How my journey began…

Cheryl Drozd, Creator & Author

Cheryl Drozd, Creator & Author


Cheryl is a Pre-K teacher at Saint Bonaventure in Columbus, Nebraska. Cheryl has been devoted to reading and studying the Bible since 2014 and has a passion for sharing it with children.

Her experience with children has taught her that being a kid at heart is what allows them to open up and trust in you. Showing others how God came into her life and completely changed it is something she wants to share with the youth, teachers, and parents dedicated to this curriculum.

Outside of work, her life consists of exercising, reading, writing, scrap-booking, spending time with her family and talking to God in small groups or on her own. Cheryl is married to her supportive husband of 25 plus years, and is the mother of three beautiful and faithful children along with her fourth dog-child, Mitzi.

What Parents Are Saying

My son is in pre-K with Mrs. Drozd and is able to very clearly relay to me the Bible stories he hears in class each day. Going through one story daily helps him learn about the good news of the gospel. This became clear to me the other day when unprovoked, he came home and said he learned two things from Bible time in pre-K: 1) God never changes & 2) God always has a plan. That was just the message I needed to hear. Faith like a child.


You’ll be so glad you invested in this curriculum! Since being in Mrs. Drozd’s class, we’ve seen great leaps in our child’s personal relationship with Jesus and his faith. He repeatedly talks about Jesus throughout the day & is much more aware of His presence. One of the best moments we’ve seen was when he got out of bed to pray for a sick sibling, all on his own accord. You’ll be amazed at how much your child will soak up these Christian lessons that will serve them for life in their hearts and minds.



Logan is genuinely excited to come home and
tell us all about the stories he read in the Bible in Pre-K. We know the content is sinking in, because he turns right to that day's story and recaps it to us before we actually read. He is growing in his love for Jesus.

— JOE W.

Watching my child come home from school and become so eager to open up her bible and tell me what the story they are focusing on is about, has opened not only my child’s heart, but also mine. Our faith is so important, and having a teacher who truly cares about our children and their faith is why I chose private school. I have no doubt this curriculum is one of the best out there and my child’s faith growing so rapidly is proof.