Frequently asked questions.

Can you just use one book in your school or do you have to buy the whole curriculum?

Any classroom that chooses to put God first and dig into His teachings will see fruit, but a school that commits to diving in for all eight years will be a school of students to watch! The curriculum is designed as a consistent school journey and is habit forming.

Should this curriculum replace the religion time I already teach?

The short answer is no. This is not a religion class to take the place of anything you are already doing. This is an enhancement to your classroom. In School with Jesus starts your day in the word and puts God first in your regular day. This is a journey through the Bible as a school or a family.

How do you keep the study to just five minutes?

Preparation is extremely important. You want to spend your own time with God reading the daily lessons to be prepared to lead the discussion. When you take the time to get the flow of the lesson down, you can manage time better. 

In the classroom, you can say “last one” when hands are going up if you are running short on time. The biggest testimony I have is when we give time to God in the morning, He provides time throughout the day to get everything done.

How do you lead discussion questions?

It is always good to have an example to share with the kids about your own life so they can remember your story. Stories are easy to recall and relate to. If you don’t have a story, I provide many of my own that can be used. Kids need to see adults as humans and understand how we handled mistakes in our youth and still do in adulthood. Connecting with them, as a person instead of an authority figure, during this part of the day will open your students’ hearts and minds. 

What do I do if I am asked a question I don’t know the answer to?

We are not meant to know all the answers, only God is. It’s okay to be human and we must show by example how to find answers when we don’t know them. For example, you could say, “That will be a good question for us to look up and find the answer to for next class,” or, “Let’s put that in our questions for Father or Pastor, and he can answer that for us.” Just be authentic, follow through with what you say you will do and learn together from it.

Why only four lessons each week? What do you do on the fifth day?

The fifth day can be used as a daily mass day or a day to recap through journaling or drawing pictures to the previous lessons that week. This could also be a day to read the Sunday reading to discuss. Make it your personal way to choose what is used in the classroom guided by God in how you will use it each year. It may change with your seasons in life or with the kind of class you have.

Is there a certain Bible I need to use for this curriculum?

I have provided some Bibles that I have used in my classroom. What is most important is that it is an easy read Bible. This means one that you can read, and if your students are old enough, they can follow along or take turns reading themselves. 

Why the same verses or chapters all four days?

The Bible is not a book to be rushed through or crossed off on your things to-do list.  There are so many things to learn in every verse, and repetition of learning God’s teaching is a needed daily reminder. When you show four different lessons learned from a few verses, that is showing the power of God!