How I Fell in Love with Jesus

I was introduced to the Bible by a very good friend of mine. My daughter was going through a very challenging time in her life the summer of her sophomore year in high school and it was making me feel inadequate as a mother. I wasn’t able to help her and fix her, which was killing me inside. As shameful as I am to say this next line, I also feel it’s a very important part of my journey to share to help others know where I cam from. When my friend asked me if I had asked God for help, I said to her “What can He possibly do, I have already tried everything!” And she invited me to church the next day with her and asked me if I had a Bible to bring. This is where my journey began. God started working in me that day. He opened my eyes through the teachings of His Words and I became hungry to learn about Jesus. He entered my heart and has given me the desire to want to share the peace and joy in having a relationship with him to Everyone! A special thank you to my Grandma Kloke for giving me my first Bible to carry with me that, dust balls and all.


Leading Discussion by Example


What In School with Jesus Means