Struggles Become Blessings

Many times I feel in antiquate and that I am not worthy to teach others or to be put in this position to share His Word. But God has given me all the tools that I needed to get this curriculum into place and the strength, love and courage to be able to say that this is His mission, not mine and how can I ever say no to that. I have experienced God’s work in all of it! The people who have supported the mission, the way the finances seemed to just stay afloat and be enough for the next step, and the love and joy of God’s Word through the children’s eyes and those who are taking the time to learn along with them. My mission is to teach others to learn as you go and grow as you teach, so my blessing is my living proof of that. When I feel words of weakness, I turn to God for strength and He gives me the words He wants me to hear. Choosing to draw closer to Him and hear His voice over satin, is the key to following Jesus. I try to find blessings in the hard things in life, as I see Jesus teaching and growing me in them. When the going gets tough, our Lord stays present and when we call on him He will give you what you need. What we need is for Him to lead.


Leading Discussion by Example