What 5 Minutes Can Do

When you start your day with Jesus, you are starting your day off right, no matter how much time you are giving him. Time is a valuable thing in everyone’s day. This was a big issue for many of the teachers at first. How would they have time to fit another thing in, when their day is already so full? What we found though is that when you give your time to the Lord, he gives time back to you. Somehow it all works out. It doesn’t take a lot of time as we read the same lines or chapters all 4 days and by the 4th day, there may just be a discussion on it or them retelling it to their teacher. Our Bible has so much to teach us, it would be impossible to ever know it all. We can read only 4 or 5 lines in the Bible and have so many things to learn. It is endless lessons given to us from our all mighty God and every time you teach a lesson as a teacher, you will feel him, talking to you in a different way. This is the beauty of God and His Word.


The Beauty of Teaching As You Go